Thursday, June 21, 2012

Time to get healthy!

Time to Get Healthy!

Well yesterday Misti and I decided we are going to start working out every day, for however long as long as we work out. 
We did Wii fit yesterday and yoga. Yoga can be so relaxing. 
Today we did yoga, Wii fit, and we did our own exercises we found on Pinterest. I LOVE PINTEREST!

For my exercises on Pinterest I did: 

20 push-ups
20 crunches
10 sit-ups
30 squats
20 lunges
20 sec. plank
30 sec. wall sit
60 sec. wall sit
75 jumping jacks
15 bench dips

Now keep in mind i did these in sets and took a couple breaks in-between. Now Misti did about double what I did except the 60 sec. wall sit. If you wanna work your legs, then do the 60 sec. wall sit. 

Whenever you're working out keep this in mind, 

(P.S. I found this picture on Pinterest.^.^)

This is what kept me going through that 60 sec. That and the help of God. And the thought of how I'm gonna look after doing that everyday and getting more fit and toned. Can't wait till that day comes!

Now today I have planned to exercise quite a bit, I might watch a scary movie, try out a few projects I saw on Pinterest. Oh. and I did paint my nails the other day like Misti said, I will post pictures later. Last night I made this avocado mask and now my face is soft.(:

Avocado Mask
1 Avocado
1 1/2 Tbsp. Raw Honey
1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice

Also every month like twice a month instead of shampoo and conditioning my hair, I found that if you use oil and a few other ingredients in your hair, it will help make it softer, shiner, and smoother!

Oil Hair Treatment
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2 Tbsp. Honey
1 Tbsp, Apple Cider Vinegar 

All you have to do is follow a few simple steps.

STEP 1: First put on an old shirt you don't mind getting oily.

STEP 2: Mix the ingredients together well in a cup, bowl, etc.

STEP 3: Massage through all of your hair, then use a comb to help get it throughout all of your hair. (If you have longer, thicker hair you can always use bigger portions.)

STEP 4: Grab a clip or you can leave your hair down. Leave the mixture in for one hour.

STEP 5: Take a shower and shampoo out the mixture till its all out.

STEP 6: Enjoy your softer, shinier, smoother hair!(:

Just thought I'd share those with you. Have a great day, more to come soon!


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